More Infrequently Asked Questions
I spent a couple hours talking to myself today. Technically, I was typing to myself, but it’s still an odd situation to be both the interviewer and interviewee.
I spent a couple hours talking to myself today. Technically, I was typing to myself, but it’s still an odd situation to be both the interviewer and interviewee.
Continuing the tradition of giving stuff away in thanks for the support I’ve received from friends, family, and fans, I’m pleased to pass along these wallpapers.
What is the digital equivalent of schizophrenia? Whatever it is, my website has it. More specifically, my brand suffers from it.
What do princesses, superheroes, and space explorers have in common? In a word: magic.
As a featured artist at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin’s downtown art walk, I will be signing Rebels and Fools, Heroes and Liars, and Martyrs and Monsters.
Blind dates are the worst. Maybe it’s human nature to want to know as much as we can before we commit—even if only for an evening. The same can be said for books.
When I receive a notification telling me someone purchased one or more of The Renegade Chronicles, I might grin like an idiot.
As a thank-you to my readers—and in hopes of reaching more—I’ve created a free compendium for The Renegade Chronicles, my fun fantasy saga featuring anti-heroes aplenty.
An editor of mine once said, “No one wants to know how the sausage is made.” That may be true of journalism, but fans of fantasy often welcome a closer look at fictional worlds.
Yesterday, The Renegade Chronicles were officially published...which means I can finally answer the question above.