FREE EXCERPT: If Dreams Can Die
Book Three of The Soul Sleep Cycle won’t be available until May 21, but you can get a sneak peek today. Read the prologue and first two chapters of If Dreams Can Die.
Book Three of The Soul Sleep Cycle won’t be available until May 21, but you can get a sneak peek today. Read the prologue and first two chapters of If Dreams Can Die.
It’s with great joy that I present the cover for Book Three of The Soul Sleep Cycle!
You don’t have to be a dream drifter to enjoy the collective unconscious. As of today, If Sin Dwells Deep is available in paperback and Kindle edition.
By auspicious happenstance, my 100th blog post coincides with another milestone: the completion of my next book’s cover. Behold!
Five years ago, I declared anyone can write a short story—except me. Since then, evidence to the contrary has surfaced.
If Souls Can Sleep, Book One of The Souls Sleep Cycle, was published in paperback and for Kindle on Jan. 30.
I spent a couple hours talking to myself today. Technically, I was typing to myself, but it’s still an odd situation to be both the interviewer and interviewee.
Continuing the tradition of giving stuff away in thanks for the support I’ve received from friends, family, and fans, I’m pleased to pass along these wallpapers.
When I first caught wind of the One Million Project, my first thought was how the One Million Project and One Million Words, my publishing company, might work together.
What is the digital equivalent of schizophrenia? Whatever it is, my website has it. More specifically, my brand suffers from it.